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A Lovecraftian short story I wrote. Enjoy, folks, and don't forget the comments! I also would like the opportunity to publish it! ...
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Friday, May 6, 2016
New 5-Star Review for Short Circuit
Music of the spheres rounds out this quirky collection of short stories written in memory of my son, Steve Wild, 1968-2012. He had a quirky sense of humor and loved robots and "hard" SF - he may very well have loved these tales, first published after his death the last day of summer 2012 at the age of 44.
Bjonsmom said, "Even if you don’t understand Geekology (is that a word?), you will find nothing opaque or incomprehensible to the layperson in McKinnon’s book. Any technical terminology is so artfully blended into the prose that what you will find are a collection of fictional vignettes that are either touching, hilarious, captivating, satirical, delicious, and any number of adjectives that come to mind. Using the least amount of words that deliver the maximum impact, Short Circuit creates vistas of imagery that are usually found in longer narratives. Every ending is a surprise, like a genie jumping out of a giant birthday cake.McKinnon has one of those creative minds that can wander uninhibited into fictional terrains to create snappy short stories that are more like abstract paintings. Each tale creates a completely alternate literary universe: a little metaphysical, a bit mythological, often poetic and poignant, a touch Biblical, at times moving and intimate, and often a little bit scary.You’ll find how technology is overtaking humanity (especially household chores), some thoughts on immortality or making deals with the devil; some cross-cultural mishaps, the pairing of soulmates, and maybe some alien bees or wasps, or both. One thing for sure, you will never want to take a shower again using a curtain with colorful animal appliques. OMG."
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