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Thursday, May 19, 2016
Would you pay a ticket price to come see this in a local theatre?
Criminal Embarrassment
By Kenna Mary McKinnon
A classroom. There are pots of orchids on shelves
along the side and back. Professor Froot Loops at a lectern with a laser
pointer in her right hand. A flowered cane leans on the wall beside her. Helen
Wheels sits at a study desk poring over some papers, a large textbook open in
front of her. A whiteboard behind Professor Froot Loops spells out in Greek,
words and phrases of exorbitant praise for the professor. “Concrete Flats
University – Glenora Annex” written in large letters on top of whiteboard.
Helen: (Looks
up and smiles). Well, here's our past, Professor Froot Loops.
Prof: This
is where it began, Helen Wheels. You and I in a classroom together and we ended
up in a courtroom. (She moves her arm
and the red pointer light descends on Helen’s head. Prof becomes more agitated
each second as the red light simply harmlessly shines down Helen’s body.)
Helen: (Sips
on a slush type drink). Yup, Mrs. Froot Loops, studying Greek. It’s all Greek
to me. By the way, I brought my dog. That’s how it all started. She’s on the
lawn outside.
Prof: That’s Professor Froot Loops to you, Mrs.
Wheels. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. (pause) What kind of dog?
Helen: She’s
a Great Dane.
Prof: Great
Scott. (walks to window and looks out).
Helen: Her
name is Killer.
Prof: Where
is she now? If she bothers my little Precious, I’ll strike her severely with my
Helen: Precious
is getting frisky with Killer’s leg. He took a shine to my ankle on the way in.
I heard Dachshunds such as Precious have back problems. You ought to be more
Prof: Keep
that big pervert away from my Precious!
Helen: Too
Prof: (Picks
up cane and smacks it against the window). Chorus outside of “Don’t Pet the
Dog”. There are children in the neighborhood, Mrs. Wheels. You’re such a bad
“Don’t pet the dog
gets it confused with romance…
leave him alone or the next thing you know
be asking your ankle to dance…”
Helen: You
don’t know how sorry I am. (Puts head in arms and sobs).
Prof: What’s
wrong now? If you won’t tell me what’s wrong, I can’t help you. Don’t be so
Helen: (Eyes
streaming). If you must know, I’m allergic to orchids.
Prof: My
husband will protect my orchis militaris
with his life. Don’t you talk about my orchids in this classroom, and don’t you
let that Great Dane near my husband or my Precious. Dear Mr. Froot Loops. I
love him so. He’s in the back with the wheelbarrow and the flowers right now.
(Tall man leans into window and waves, dirt on his face, then ducks from view
and disappears). Your dog dare not come near my sayrion or my Eddy. (leans out window) Ed! Ed! Get that Great Dane
out of here! And bring me a box of miniature chocolates. I feel faint and need sweets.
Helen: My
dog assaulted your dachshund. I admit it.
Prof: I’m
not finished. You took duct tape and tied up my cats and rabbits, and left them
helpless in the washroom. (She starts to cry and flings the laser pointer
across the classroom downstage, where it falls on the floor still shining).
Helen: I
did what?
Prof: Don’t
deny it, you pervert. Your dog is a pervert too. It could be years before my
Precious gets over this trauma. If ever.
Helen: Why
don’t we go see? Cogito ergo sum. E
pluribus unum.
Prof: I
completely disagree with you. And don’t get fancy with me, missy.
Helen: (Rises
from her desk and goes to the window downstage, singing “Don’t Pet the Dog”.
Eddy Froot Loops comes into the room stage left strumming a portable keyboard. He carries a huge box of miniature chocolates under his arm.
They all join in the chorus of “Don’t Pet the Dog”.)
They lean out the window staring into the yard. There
is loud deep barking, followed by a yelp growing faint.
Prof: My
arthritis hurts so bad, I’ll hardly be able to limp to the courthouse to file a
complaint. My, these are delicious. (Takes a chocolate from the box).
Mr. Froot Loops: Now
that I finally have a job, I worry about leaving you at home, little lotus
Helen: Upon
my word of honor, I’m innocent, Mr. Ed. (Mr. Froot Loops smirks and pounds on
the keyboard loudly. Helen helps herself to a chocolate.)
Helen Wheels and her friend Chicken Little are in the
back of Kelly’s Pub making cookies in the kitchen. Smoke emerges from the oven.
They are drinking from amber glasses and singing a drinking song. A dog howls
in the yard outside.
Helen: I
think I burned these cookies, Chicken Little.
Chicken: Speak
up, Wheels. You know I’m hard of hearing. Did you say you took a turn for the
Helen: I
Chicken: No
need to yell. I think you did take a turn for the worse. You’re looking a bit
red in the face. I think you burned the cookies, though. (They put the cookies
into a tin and Helen picks up her phone).
Helen: I’m
calling Mr. Instant Delivery. Professor Froot Loops will love these cookies. I
bet she’ll be thrilled to get them. What time is it?
Chicken: It’s
about midnight. I’m supposed to close down the pub at one. You got a thank you
Helen: I’m
apologizing, Chick.
Chicken: You’re
Helen: (sighs)
Yes, I’ve got a thank you card.
Chicken: Good.
I thought we were near the end times.
Helen: (Tapes
the tin shut and writes something on the tin). Now we’re safe. The cookies are
sprinkled and I’ll call the All Nite courier. They’ll meet us out back. (Dials
and speaks briefly into her cell phone).
Chicken: Oh,
that’s good. I’m sure she’ll like them.
Helen: I
ruined her book. I ruined her lawn. I ruined her dog. And she can’t find her
cats or bunny rabbits. I’m a failure. I had so hoped for better things.
Chicken: She’ll
be so happy to know you’re sorry, Hell.
Helen: I
can just imagine how thrilled they’ll be when they open the cookie tin.
Sound of car stopping outside. Helen and Chicken exit
through a door marked “Alley”. Sound of car pulling away. A dog howls.
Helen Wheels sits in a courtroom with lawyer and
witnesses on stage right. Prosecutor is sitting on stage left with the two
Plaintiffs, Mr. and Mrs. Froot Loops. Chorus sits downstage left and right.
Bailiff enters stage right.
Bailiff: All
rise. Here comes de judge.
(Judge enters in black robes and takes his seat).
Bailiff: Order
in the court.
Chicken: I’ll
have a fish sandwich.
Mr. Froot Loops: Same
here. With fries.
Prof: I’ll
have what he has.
Bailiff: Order
in the court.
Chicken: I’ll
Bailiff: Stop
Judge: What
is the charge, Ms. Tagonist?
Court Reporter: (reads)
Criminal embarrassment of the first degree.
Prosecutor: Kill
Judge: Steady,
Prosecutor: Sorry,
sir. I got carried away.
Judge: We
can arrange that. Order in the court.
Chicken: Okay,
two hotdogs…
Prosecutor: Kill
the witness.
Judge: How
do you plead?
Helen: Not
guilty, your honor. (looks at lawyer)
Lawyer: Your
Honor, we intend to prove my client was in Kelly’s pub at the time of the
alleged offence.
Prosecutor: Do
you have a drinking problem, Mrs. Wheels?
Helen: No
problem. I drink, fall down, get up, drink again. No problem.
Prosecutor: Where
were you at midnight on the night of March 17?
Helen: I
was in Kelly’s pub.
Prosecutor: Were
you not in front of the Froot Loops house in Glenora delivering cookies?
Helen: No,
your Honorableness.
Prosecutor: Those
cookies are Exhibit A, seized as evidence by police and analyzed in the
forensic lab by five police officers working overtime for twelve hours each.
Did the cookies not contain flour and
sugar and baking soda and chocolate
Helen: I
plead guilty to that, your Honor. I do make the occasional cookie.
Prosecutor: Does
Kelly’s pub have a kitchen in the back?
Helen: Maybe.
Prosecutor: I
rest my case.
Court reporter: Slow
down. Chocolate sprinkles…
Lawyer: Objection!
Prof: Boo
hoo. (Takes out tissue and wipes eyes).
Mr. Froot Loops: There,
there, dear. We can go home soon and water the orchids.
Judge: Order
in the court.
Bailiff: Okay,
I’ll have a…
Judge: Stop
Lawyer: Objection.
My client is being harassed.
Judge: Objection
Prosecutor: Hang
her! Hang them all.
(Chicken Little takes stand).
Prosecutor: What
did you do with the cookies?
Chicken: We
put them in a tin and delivered them to the Youth Shelter. They’ll eat anything
with chocolate sprinkles on it.
Prosecutor: Objection!
And when did Mrs. Wheels leave the pub?
Chicken: Helen
stayed until the pub closed at midnight then we went home together.
Judge: Ah!
Prosecutor: Objection.
The witness and defendant are obviously very dangerous perverts.
Judge: Overruled.
Prosecutor: Hang
Lawyer: You
may step down now. (Chicken Little sits down).
(Chorus sings first verse of the Drinking Song). Drink,
drink, drink…
Judge: Stop
Prof: Oh,
DEAR, I can’t stand to be in the same room as that pervert.
Mr. Foot Loops: There,
there, dear. We’ll be home soon with your kitty binky.
Prof: Oh,
I love you so, dear Mr. Froot Loops.
Mr. Froot Loops, glaring at the Defendant: Hang her!
(Judge recesses court then returns almost immediately,
fluffs his black robes and sits).
Bailiff: All
rise! Here comes de judge.
Judge: I
have made my decision.
(Chorus sings first verse of Oh Sweet Mystery of
Bailiff: Stop
Judge: Order
in the court.
Chicken: I
wouldn’t touch that line with a ten foot…
Prosecutor: Kill
her! She’s guilty of being… trite.
Judge: Not
guilty due to insanity.
Lawyer: Insanity?
Prosecutor: Insanity?
Judge: The
charge is insane. Therefore, not guilty due to insanity. I find you guilty of a
lesser offense.
Lawyer: What
is the verdict?
Judge: Guilty
of making poor quality cookies. They were burned, you say? Disgusting.
Helen: I’m
sorry, your Honor. I honestly won’t do it again.
Judge: I
sentence you to a day of community service at the Glenora Community League
kitchen learning how to make proper cookies.
Helen: Thank
you, your Honor.
Judge: Case
Bailiff: There
go de judge. All rise.
Several women carrying signs printed in large pink
and yellow letters, Women’s Temperance
League and carrying black and white pots of orchids, surround a black
limousine which is pulling up in front of the courtroom outside.
Journalist: (Taking
pictures and speaking into a microphone). Here ends a very curious case, ladies
and gentlemen. The underdog appears to have been vindicated. But wait…could it
be? A large black limo is pulling up to the front of the courthouse with men in
brown shirts wearing dark glasses. Ladies and gentlemen, this is incredible!
The president of Concrete Flats University is here and he’s carrying off the
Froot Loops in the back of his limousine. There are brown shirts everywhere.
They appear to be from Security. What is the meaning of this?
Prosecutor: (Standing
outside with the wind whipping her silver hair about her face, speaking into
the microphone). I’m the prosecutor, Anne Tagonist, sir. We intend to appeal,
Mr. Macy. This crime cannot go unpunished. Death to all perverts! Hang the
infidel and her cookies! We prefer chocolate!
Journalist: Do
you mean to say this is not the end of the drama, Ms. Tagonist?
Prof (leaning out the window of the car): I don’t want anything bad to happen to the
Defendant. I am a good person… HANG HER! Non
carborondum illegitimus!
(The Women’s Temperance League bursts into song and
throws orchids at the limousine. Professor Froot Loops leans further out the
window and playfully smacks the ladies with her cane, including Ms.
Androgynous, who squeals with delight).
Prof: Take
that, Ms. Androgynous.
Ms. A: Oh, Frooty! That hurts your
dear Ms. Androgynous. Tee hee.
Lawyer: We
appeal the appeal.
Limousine drives away, covered with orchids. Several
of the Women’s Temperance League have been knocked down by the blows of the
Chorus: (sings
to the tune of The Drinking Song) Think, think, think…
Prosecutor: Order!
Chicken: Make
mine an Irish soda bread, with beer. (She and Helen leave the scene arm in
Journalist: Wait
a minute, ladies and gentlemen. Could it be? (Professor staggers down the
street, leaning on her cane. Mr. Froot Loops follows her, pushing on her hips).
Prof: They
threw me out of the car onto the pavement! My satyrion were choking them.
Mr. Froot Loops: Me
too. (coughs) I think I’m allergic to orchids. (Prof dances the can can with
her cane and sings “Putting on the Ritz.”)
Prof: Where
is that pervert?
Mr. Froot Loops: I’m
right here, dear. (She hits him with her cane and they link arms and run off
stage left, he ducking her blows).
(The Chorus links arms and continues to dance the can
can, tossing cookies into the air. A dachshund runs across the front of the
stage followed by a large dog, followed by the Professor hopping and waving her
cane into the air, swearing in Greek at the dogs. Mr. Froot Loops runs on stage
behind her, steps in dog excrement, examines his shoe, and exits stage left.
Chorus falls silent).
Journalist: I
think justice has been done.
Mr. Froot Loops comes leaping back from stage right,
joins his wife, and they stand together center stage, she leaning on her cane
and he holding a pot of orchids in one hand and a can of beer in the other. He
sniffs the orchids deeply, burps and coughs.
Prof: We’ll
Mr. Froot Loops: You’re
very appealing, Mrs. ‘Cute little Juniper
berry’. Have you taken your meds today? (She hits him with her cane and puts
her hand on his thigh. He throws the pot of orchids into the air and the entire
cast dances on stage covered with blossoms, and they all sing, Don’t Pet the Dog.)
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Post Comments
What fun this is!
ReplyDeleteThnaks, Judi, it was fun to write. Only you would understand it fully! You and Professor Froot Loops, that is!
ReplyDeletePerhaps... No matter what, it's funny.