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File Size: 1513 KB Print Length: 309 pages Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited Publisher: Creativia; 1 edition (June 14, 2016)...
A little video I made with Adobe Spark for our book about our journey with schizophrenia, written by Austin Mardon and myself.
A Lovecraftian short story I wrote. Enjoy, folks, and don't forget the comments! I also would like the opportunity to publish it! ...
SPACEHIVE eBook 99 cents till the end of the week, including Aug. 31. Get it here . Excerpt from interview on Alison Bruce's blog : ...
An early reader chapter book, "Benjamin and Rumblechum", written by myself with Emma Shirley Brinson (a friend and retired elemen...
Karen's Killer Fixin's I'm honored to have been featured on Karen Docter's blog . For those readers who love bread...
Hi, good readers. I recently removed the CAPTCHA requirement, you know, the word you have to type in to leave a comment. Since then I'...
As a former member of RCIA, and lost on an ocean of shipwrecked souls, I approach this season of Lent with a different point of view than b...
Today is my son Steve Wild's 45 birthday. He died last year, September 21, 2012, of aggressive esophageal/stomach cancer which went undi...
Wow! This book should be required reading for any former or off duty Marines, and any active Marines (I am told there are no ex-Marines!)...
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Blood Sister FREE until Saturday - Jan. 9-12, 2019
- File Size: 1513 KB
- Print Length: 309 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
- Publisher: Creativia; 1 edition (June 14, 2016)
- Publication Date: June 14, 2016
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
- Language: English
- ASIN: B01H3UB45E
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- X-Ray:
- Word Wise: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Screen Reader: Supported
- Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,627 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)
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