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A Lovecraftian short story I wrote. Enjoy, folks, and don't forget the comments! I also would like the opportunity to publish it! ...
My debut novel SPACEHIVE is now out in print as well as ebook. It's available on in ebook and print, and CreateSpace in print...
It is my pleasure to welcome author Mari Collier to my blog today. We’ll start out with a few questions. If you choose not to a...
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This book is called The Insanity Machine because in 1978 Kenna McKinnon chatted with another inmate in the old 5C forensic psychiatr...
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Today we're presenting an interview with the inimitable Kerry Watts. Kerry Watts Kenna: Hello, Kerry. Welcome to my site. Pleas...
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Thursday, May 28, 2015
The Potter's Hand, a blog
Edmonton Senior/Calgary Senior newspapers are featuring my blog, "The Potter's Hand" on their website.
If I get a following and enough comments, it's possible the blog will morph into a paid column in time.
The blog is about mental illness in all its aspects, and its impact on family, friends, the world, and the individual.
John Nash died this week.
He left a legacy of "A Beautiful Mind" and 86 years of living, for most of his life with the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. He said that all is not suffering, and that is true. For many, mental illness is both an escape and a refuge. I can attest to that at various times in my life.
I've come out of the shadows.
Please visit "The Potter's Hand" and comment.
Thank you.
Brought to you by SpaceHive, Kenna's debut novel originally published by a traditional small press in 2012 and republished by Authors for a Cause in March 2015. A rollicking adventure of friendly alien bees and the vicious wasp General Vard, a 12-year-old boy and his Muslim buddy who must alone save the world, and the formidable SpaceHive...on which Jason is abducted by the alien attackers and taken to India where the final Battle takes place.
Also by The Insanity Machine, our adventure and journey with paranoid schizophrenia, including the latest research available at the time of writing.
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I enjoyed over read your blog post. Your blog have nice information, I got good ideas from this amazing blog. I am always searching like this type blog post. I hope I will see again....
ReplyDelete# Writer Samantha
Thank you, Samantha. You are always welcome to read and comment on The Potter's Hand as well.