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A Lovecraftian short story I wrote. Enjoy, folks, and don't forget the comments! I also would like the opportunity to publish it! ...
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Thursday, October 3, 2013
Judith Hansen is commenter of the week
How many comments?
Five comments in one day!
- Where does the woman excited to go to work ... work? She must be a model, eh? These are all good suggestions.
- Nice! Interesting post for Edmontonians and us Michiganders, too!
- Because of all the hurt, we have built fences
to keep in the tears and to keep out the pain.
And they exist well past their purpose,
keeping out the love as well. - Our loved ones are with us for too short a time. What good would hope be if it didn't include being with them again?
- Unfair! Right under the video on Christian weight loss is a picture of a delicious cinnamon roll! Yes, some churches need "Dieting for Dummies", LOL!
See if you can tell me which posts these comments are from?
For anyone who has all five posts correct I'll send you a $10 Amazon gift certificate. Please include your email address sent to me from my Profile page.
Judi gets a $15 Amazon gift certificate for being the winner of the greatest amount of comments in one week (really she did this all in one day).
Congratulations, Judi!
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