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A Lovecraftian short story I wrote. Enjoy, folks, and don't forget the comments! I also would like the opportunity to publish it! ...
My debut novel SPACEHIVE is now out in print as well as ebook. It's available on in ebook and print, and CreateSpace in print...
It is my pleasure to welcome author Mari Collier to my blog today. We’ll start out with a few questions. If you choose not to a...
Inspired and Committed Author Gets the Job Done ASCENDING , a new novella, is on pre-release on Amazon. I'm really excited about ...
What happened to the frog's car when his parking meter expired? It got toad!! What do you call a frog that crosses the road, jumps...
This book is called The Insanity Machine because in 1978 Kenna McKinnon chatted with another inmate in the old 5C forensic psychiatr...
A vote: SpaceHive, Space Hive, SPACEHIVE? You'll note there's a new title for my book, and I've chosen SpaceHive. Consultation w...
Comment of the day by Eileen Schuh : Photo of Eileen FROM Memories of Mother Missing our loved ones I'm missing my Mom today...
Our "Name the Book" Contest ends soon. Thanks to Val, Bob, Moo, and Judi for entering and each winning a $5.00 gift ca...
Today we're presenting an interview with the inimitable Kerry Watts. Kerry Watts Kenna: Hello, Kerry. Welcome to my site. Pleas...
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
4 quick ways to keep a new year's resolution
Hi, faithful readers, sorry for the hiatus. I was in GORGEOUS QUEBEC CITY for the holidays. I would recommend it to anyone. More next week.
Just a few quick ways to keep a new year's resolution. I've been doing some reading and some thinking, and here you are:

Just a few quick ways to keep a new year's resolution. I've been doing some reading and some thinking, and here you are:
- Don't recycle last year's resolutions--they didn't work last year and they won't work this year;
- Choose something you can actually do--no unrealistic promises here;
- Make a list, check it twice--put it out there where you can see it, every day--be accountable;
- If you fail don't give up--pick yerself up, dust yerself off, and start all over again.
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