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Saturday, March 21, 2015
Guest Blog with the Amazing Bibliophile Alan Black
Author Alan Black at home |
Black has been writing novels since 1997 when he started Eye on The
Prize. His writing tastes are as eclectic as his reading preferences.
Alan admits that he loves writing much more than editing and the whole
publishing process. Marketing of his work leaves him as baffled as the
whole string theory thing.
Alan was born in central Kansas and grew up in Gladstone, Missouri. He graduated from Oak Park Senior High School and eventually earned a liberal arts degree from Longview Community college. He spent most of his adult life in the Kansas City area. The exception came at the orders from the U.S. Air Force when he was stationed in Texas, California, Maryland, and Japan. He and his wife were married in the late 70s and moved back to Independence, Missouri, but now live in sunny Arizona. He says the dry desert air stimulates his creativity more than the juicy air in Missouri (pronounced here as 'misery') and he has yet to shovel sunshine out of the driveway.
His desire to write started in the second grade. He was given an assignment to write a short story about Greek mythology. His teacher took the time to call his parents and express her appreciation of the story. Although neither of his parents remembered the incident, it had an impact on him, eventually leading him to write Eye On The Prize, taking two years to complete. He has gotten faster since then, completing a recent manuscript in three weeks
Alan Black is a #1 bestselling author on Amazon and Kindle for Metal Boxes,
Alan was born in central Kansas and grew up in Gladstone, Missouri. He graduated from Oak Park Senior High School and eventually earned a liberal arts degree from Longview Community college. He spent most of his adult life in the Kansas City area. The exception came at the orders from the U.S. Air Force when he was stationed in Texas, California, Maryland, and Japan. He and his wife were married in the late 70s and moved back to Independence, Missouri, but now live in sunny Arizona. He says the dry desert air stimulates his creativity more than the juicy air in Missouri (pronounced here as 'misery') and he has yet to shovel sunshine out of the driveway.
His desire to write started in the second grade. He was given an assignment to write a short story about Greek mythology. His teacher took the time to call his parents and express her appreciation of the story. Although neither of his parents remembered the incident, it had an impact on him, eventually leading him to write Eye On The Prize, taking two years to complete. He has gotten faster since then, completing a recent manuscript in three weeks
Alan Black is a #1 bestselling author on Amazon and Kindle for Metal Boxes,
a young adult, science fiction,
military, action adventure. He has published eight. Black is a
self-published multi-genre writer. One writer friend called him
'timeless' because he wrote historical books, novels based in the
present and tales of the future. His main goal is to write story driven
novels, with sci-fi novels that are more character and action driven than
focused on science, story driven historical that are not history lessons
and entertainment based literary fiction.
Alan Black's vision
statement: "I want my readers amazed they missed sleep because they
could not put down one of my books. I want my readers amazed I made them
laugh on one page and cry on the next. I want to give my readers a
pleasurable respite from the cares of the world for a few hours.
I want to offer stories I would want to read."
Alan Black
author of
Chasing Harpo,
Empty Space, Titanium Texicans, Metal Boxes, Chewing Rocks, Steel Walls and Dirt Drops,
The Friendship Stones, The Granite Heart, and The Heaviest Rock &
A Cold Winter
(Amazon Author Page)
This guest blog brought to you by Red Herrings, a mystery/thriller by Kenna McKinnon starring a female schizophrenic private eye and her unique vision of the world. Will Annie and her handsome partner Mark solve two macabre murders in the little island town of Serendipity? Did she perpetrate the nasty business herself? Learn more about schizophrenia and the great country of Canada while trying to solve this grisly murder, and place your review on Amazon to titillate another generation of readers.
No resemblance to living persons intended and with great respect to our African (including Sudanese) friends who have emigrated to Canada during this time of unrest in the beautiful continent of Africa.
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